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        Xuji Group --- the Green Power Supplier for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

        【信息来源:【作者:【信息时间:2022-03-07 08:54  阅读次数: 】【字号



        The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, which has concluded on February 24, is set to make history as it will become the first ever Olympic Games fully powered by green energy.

        At the outskirts of Zhangjiakou, the co-hosting city for Beijing 2022, the Zhangbei flexible direct current power project  is able to deliver 14 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity generated using wind, photovoltaic, and other green and clean power sources to Beijing every year, fully meeting the power needs of all 26 venues for Beijing 2022.

        Xuji Group, as one of the major suppliers of key equipment for Zhangbei project, its products such as flexible DC converter valve, HVDC circuit breaker and AC energy consumption device play an important role in Zhangbei project.

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