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        Xuchang to Discuss Business Cooperation with German Companies by Video Link

        【信息来源:【作者:【信息时间:2022-07-18 09:34  阅读次数: 】【字号 】【我要打印】【关闭

        The video conference, which was co-hosted by Xuchang government and RSBK on July 12th, brought together 5 local companies and 3 German companies to explore business opportunities.

        BHS-Sonthofen is a world-leading giant specializing in metal recycling. Senior executives from Jinyang Aluminium and Jinhui Group, exchanged their views on the recycling of waste lithium battery.

        Masa Group is a leading equipment manufacturer for  building materials. The manager from Detong Group presented high-tech machines on vibratory mixing, and shared his view on solid waste treatment.    

        Yan Zhifang, vice secretary-general of Xuchang government, introduced social progress and economic growth Xuchang has made in recent years. The video conference helped to enhance mutual understanding and further bolster bilateral cooperation against the backdrop of coronavirus spreading the world.

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